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   A note to those exploring the sim OOC: please be as unobtrusive as possible while exploring, and please note that this is not a sex sim. If you are not playing an approved character, you should not be involved in any situation of that manner while in the sim. We are not prudes; but common courtesy dictates when exploring a new sim OOC that engaging in such activities would be frowned upon. At least here with us. What you get up to IC once you’ve joined the players group is completely your business.


   Mooncrest Vale is an adult based, dark fantasy sim and if you are offended by graphic violence, nudity or sex this may not be the place for you. Because of the dark themes and events taking place around the sim, we have rules in place to protect both the players and the feel of the sim. Please take the time to read the following rules thoroughly.
***Be warned it is our policy to punish the player and not the character for Rules violations.***
The sim is a complex roleplay environment: the following rules are those set out by the admin team for the entirety of the sim. In-character rules for the various areas and societies of the place also exist separately, though they are enforced solely through IC means and are not listed in this document.

  Mooncrest Vale is a rp sim designed with adult mindsets and players who are desiring to rp and build their character stories.  Please be aware that this is a homestead sim and people slots are limited. If you must go AFK for an extended period of time, please log off unless otherwise discussed with an admin to give others a chance to rp as well.  If you must afk for a  short while, please be respectful of the rp going on around you and don't take up prime locations for too long while inactive (emergencies notwithstanding) so that others may enjoy also.

  We the admins want for you to explore and learn and build on the existing quirks of the sim and its lore. If you have ideas, questions, suggestions, events or rp offerings, please send us a notecard in the suggestions mailbox or leave us an IM.  We do not ignore anything intentionally.  We want this place to grow, and you along with it, as a player and as your character. If for any reason you do not hear back in a timely manner from an admin regarding a notecard left or a CC submitted, please reach out to one of us in case SL ate it.

The Out Of Character (You the Player/Typist) Rules

  As a bit of clarity: Siobhan Bauhaus and Niccia Straaf are the sole owners and admins of the sim. There may be moderators in the future and they will be listed clearly, but for the now they are the only admins and owners of the sim. Others who have been in the sim longest will be around to answer questions but this does not make them admin or owner of the sim.

  This has always been a darker fantasy sim with many hidden aspects. There *will* be adult themes. Be aware of this. By playing in Mooncrest Vale, you agree to the rules listed below, but be warned that ignorance will not save you. We are trusting that those who join understand there is a need for balance and self-regulation.

  These are the OOC rules as they pertain to the player and how players interact with characters.
From here on, The Mooncrest Vale will be referred to as MV for brevity.     

  *First and foremost. MV is NOT child friendly. Children will be NPC or not at all. All avatars must be 18 years of age or older according to their race. Not 17 and  3 weeks, not 16 and from another country... 18. Why? Because LL ToS dictates certain things cannot be done around a minor or around the portrayal of a minor and the admins have set the minimum age at 18 to avoid running afoul of said ToS and thus avoiding the OOC drama.

  *Second and just as important. Follow the rules, seek an admin if there are problems you cannot roleplay out of, as OOC drama will not be tolerated. We’re all adults and as such everyone is expected to compose themselves in that manner when dealing with OOC issues.  It does not mean we will drop the banhammer for a mistake, but it does mean we will show little leniency toward those who are determined to break the few rules we have set in place. See third rule for further clarification.

  *Third. Do not be an ass, full stop. If you have to pause and wonder if you’re being an ass, you most likely are. Be mature, do not seek to start trouble OOC knowing the drama it will cause. Do not break rules and plea for leniency, do not be a jerk and expect others to accept it then complain to admins when they do not. Above all else, do not harass others OOC.  Do NOT use group chat for OOC conversations such as politics, sexuality, religion, race or war. You will have one warning, then you will have chat rights removed. To be clear, this applies to OOC drama only - you want your character to be a jerk IC? Go for it, but expect to encounter the consequences. Harassment of any form OOC (or carried out IC for OOC purposes) will not be tolerated.

  *Fourth. This is NOT just a sex sim. What does this mean exactly for you? Glad you wondered. It means that Sio and Nic have allowed adult themes but that they expect rp to happen more than sex themes.  Adult does NOT equal sex.  Adult means anything that goes beyond what you would want a child to be exposed to. Topics such as rape, slavery, war and violent conflicts, gore, abuse, kidnappings, torture, etc. Sex that is part of ongoing RP is allowed, BUT if you are entering the sim with the sole purpose to hop on poseballs/furniture for a romp EVERY time you show up to sim, this is NOT the sim for you. Suggestions of places for Erotic RP can be made.

Those four key points are the majority of the OOC rules. Any questions about these rules can be directed to Niccia Straaf and Siobhan Bauhaus.

  Below are a few common sense RP rules for roleplay - if any of these are unclear, please consult one of the admins. All levels of roleplayer are welcome here. If you are new to RP and would like some guidance, we are always willing to help. (Yes, even to the point of baby steps - there is a place for all in MV RP)This is an English speaking sim, but if someone wishes to RP with the use of a translator, please approach one of us and we can point you towards a translator that will not be disruptive to RP
   The purpose of these rules is to help everyone understand what is and is not expected of the roleplay and players, not to take away the fun aspects within it.

  1. Don't blast OOC in the middle of RP. A quiet (BRB) or some other note to let others know you are AFK or will not post any RP  for a bit is considered polite so they are not left waiting for your turn, going off on a tangent OOC in the middle of RP is not. The Landing Zone is there for those who need to delve into lengthy OOC conversations. Please take it there and not in the middle of the RP.
In your private residences (if you have rented them via rp or linden donations) please keep OOC conversation to IMs or in 10m whisper range as you may be in chatrange (20m) of others who are roleplaying.This does not change even if you are the only people on sim as people come and go. Bad habits remain when you are no longer alone. You may also use group chat for ooc chatter, provided it does not harass or start political, religious, or race topics.

  2. Do not use your character to harass others OOC. Do not start problems OOC and bring it IC, nor IC and bring it to OOC. Stay in character or stay out of rp.

  3. Do not metagame ( use OOC knowledge for IC gain), do not god-mode/godmod (get into an altercation and take no damage when you would normally be harmed), nor  powerplay, (exploit loopholes and rules for personal gain). If these terms are unclear to you, again, an admin will be more than happy to discuss it with you. What this means is, if you see two or more people together, do not simply show up in chat range and join in as if you were already part of the conversation. Keep in mind that SL is representative, not literal so if you hear chat from two buildings away this is NOT how things work. Play realistically. When entering an existing RP, do not just show up and assume what you’ve read your character already knows, try to wait at least a turn per player to make sure you are not disrupting through use of OOC knowledge.  You would not walk up to people seemingly in a fight and speak loudly and out of place ‘HI! What’re you doing?!” In reality you would likely get a punch swung at you. So, when rp’ing, think realistically and do not use OOC knowledge your character would not have.

--The following rules are in effect for the entirety of the area and apply to all players and visitors; please be aware of them. They detail the short set of rules above and add a few more general OOC rules.
- All players must at all times adhere to any local laws that may apply to them and the SL TOS. (Don't do any illegal shit!) (
- This is a roleplay sim -
Players are expected to be in character whenever they are in the sim proper (excluding the landing zone), OOC comments are to be put in brackets (( )), excessive OOC speech is to be avoided, please use IMs for OOC conversations.
- Clothing -
This is fantasy so some liberties can be taken, if you are in doubt ask around first. Yes there are some allowances but when in question, ask an admin.
Visitors must wear the Visitor Tag (provided at the landing zone) at all times when in the roleplay area.
As a visitor you may explore the sim as you please, however be courteous to those who are roleplaying and do not interfere. If you have questions please use IMs so as not to break in on scenes in progress.
Visitors should refrain from bringing jarring avatars/clothing into the roleplay area.

-- General OOC for RP Standards--
  Nudity is allowed, but must be thematic in nature, this means having a specific reason other than whim. However many locations in the areas will have their own IC rules pertaining to nudity.
Sex is allowed, but players are expected to play this realistically, few characters would realistically have a desire to fornicate in public. Most areas have their own IC rules about sex, you have been warned. Again, this is NOT a sex sim.
  While slavery is allowed in the roleplay, this is NOT Gor. The standards and rules of that society do not exist here. The relationship between dominants and submissives of all sorts is up to the players involved.
God moding/meta gaming and cheating are all against the spirit of the roleplay and are of course illegal. If you are confronted with a god moder/meta gamer, attempt to continue the roleplay if you can and contact an admin, do not attempt to police the rules yourselves.
  Fade to black is allowed within reason. It is inevitable that from time to time a player will end up in a scene that makes them genuinely uncomfortable OOC. When this is the case, the approved response is a fade to black, the uncomfortable party sends an IM explaining their limitations to the other party, the role-play can then be resolved by an agreement of what the outcome was without having to play out the entire scene. (Most commonly used for resolving rapes, torture or other extreme scenes that go against a character's will) However this is still an adult themed place and a player who fades to black too often or for themes considered common for the area will be spoken with by an admin.
                                                                                    READ CAREFULLY
  ---> This is an adult role-play environment, you are responsible for the situations your character gets into and must play them out. Consequences for your actions may not be avoided or retroactively denied, via fade to black or any other method. Just because you didn't play it doesn't mean it didn't happen. If you are uncomfortable with a scene or the direction a certain role-play is taking, make it known immediately and find a way out of the rp, but unless it is agreed upon by all involved, your character experienced it, even if you as a player are uncomfortable or unable to rp it. <---

That’s it. Follow these simple rules, don’t be a jerk, and (dramatic pause)  have fun!
Any Questions, contact Niccia Straaf or Siobhan Bauhaus.

About the Admins and Some Final Notes

We are Siobhan Bauhaus and Niccia Straaf and have been friends in SL and RL for over a decade. We are the sole owners and admins, but also the builders, decorators and creators for the Mooncrest Vale sim. We are long-time admins with a friendly but no-nonsense approach to rp, as in worth with us and we’ll work with you.
All we ask of any player is that you build or have a character that makes sense to the lore and rules of the sim, that you play it as if it were by the same gravity and elements and rules of life that all other characters on sim are played by others.  We want you to create events, storylines, character drama,  and a world that others will want to get into. Not to mention that we want you to have fun while doing all of the above.  We will not spoon-feed you stories or events but we will provide storylines and plots for the sim periodically.. Both admins have RL to deal with.


We built this place for others who are tired of the droll, flavorless rp that SL sinks into when creativity is waning.  Bring your best. Bring your creativity. Build the world that will evolve with you, with admins who aren't afraid to let players have room to grow.

Mooncrest Vale is a rp sim designed with adult mindsets and players who are desiring to rp and build their character stories.  Please be aware that this is a homestead sim and people slots are limited. If you must go AFK for an extended period of time, please log off unless otherwise discussed with an admin to give others a chance to rp as well.  If you must afk for a  short while, please be respectful of the rp going on around you and don't take up prime locations for too long while inactive (emergencies notwithstanding) so that others may enjoy also.

We the admins want for you to explore and learn and build on the existing quirks of the sim and its lore. If you have ideas, questions, suggestions, events or rp offerings, please send us a notecard in the suggestions mailbox or leave us an IM.  We do not ignore anything intentionally.  We want this place to grow, and you along with it, as a player and as your character. If for any reason you do not hear back in a timely manner from an admin regarding a notecard left or a CC submitted, please reach out to one of us in case SL ate it.

Please be aware that the dreaded OOC rules are a MUST read and if you are role playing we will assume you have read it and respond accordingly as sim admins. If there is confusion, we will do our best to clarify and sort things out as long as everything stays reasonably drama-free.

If you would like, once you learn the lore and establish a rp presence, to become a rp moderator to help others grow, contact one of the admins and we will arrange a meeting with you.

Players are allowed more than one character per account. However, we ask that you actively play one character before diving into a new character.

Thank you for taking the time to read everything and for choosing to join us (if you do).

- The Admin Team


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