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Mooncrest Vale  Guilds and their lore



The Ardent Society- Paladins, Clerics, Devout


The Mystical Circle- Magicians/Arcane Casters


Blade,Bow, and Shield- Fighters/Town Guard/Rangers


Mysterious Mayhem- Rogue/Thieves


The Earthbound- Forest-based Types/Druids



    In the information below you will find more details on what the guilds offer to those of the Vale, and hopefully gain a bit more insight on how they interact among themselves, as well as with those who are unguilded. This info will not include the inner workings of the guilds, as that information is reserved for the actual members of the individual guilds. The general purpose of the guilds is not for bragging rights or status but more a sense of brotherhood and shared purpose and to provide a cohesive group for players to belong to if they so desire. Joining guilds is *not* required but strongly encouraged. Each guild holds its own values but overall they work toward their individual goals through training new members, furthering education of older members, and sharing needed knowledge. One does not need to be part of a guild, but there are many benefits to joining the guilds as they hold information, supplies and other resources unavailable outside the guild hall. Good, Neutral and Evil all exist within the guild halls so they are neutral grounds. While within the guild hall proper the town guard cannot harass someone for a crime, nor can there be direct altercations while within the guild hall.


    The purpose of the guilds in Mooncrest Vale. However, the spirit with which they were set up was to allow roleplay between guilds, as well as with those who are in guilds and those who are not. There will be times guilds must work together and other times when they find themselves at opposing  purposes. Keep in mind, the guilds were established by the Empress many years ago and are still favored by her, and as such to a certain extent they exist to serve those in Mooncrest Vale. Unguilded players, or those who belong to other guilds, should never be afraid (on an OOC level) to approach a guild or guild member looking for RP.


    Also, a note on NPCs: like anywhere else in sim, there will always be NPCs within the guild halls, characters will not show up and simply find them empty. It is perfectly acceptable to use an NPC to leave word for the one you seek (just send them an IM), etc. Just keep in mind, most places in sim are never truly empty (unless it is the kind of place that would be). The tavern has staff, the gypsy camp has residents and guards, the guild halls have guild members. Anyone requiring further clarification on this matter can feel free to contact one of the admins.


Ardent Society-

    The Ardent Society in the wake of the cataclysm has focused more on devine learning and practice. Through worship and study the Society helps those who put their faith in a deity learn to harness the power gifted by their chosen divine spark. From the lowly, humble cleric to the powerful paladin, here one will find an array of deity-worship somehow cordially blended in one building.

    Within the building there are niches with representations of various gods and goddesses worshipped commonly in the vale. It is by no means all, but it is at least some and the lessons learned within the hall generally stand for most deities well enough to expand on them individually. Upstairs there is humble housing for those too weary to travel homeward, or who lack a home of their own.  On the ground floor there is, however, a pillar that glows with a divine energy that the Society has dubbed the Pillar of the Gods. The research done thus far on it has presented the idea that it might very well be effectively a ley line to the divine from the planet itself. 


Mystic Circle-

    For those seeking anything magical in nature, save for healing, they would go to the Mystic Circle. This is not just a place for the guild members to hone their craft, oh no, this is also where citizens can visit when they have need of elixirs, magical items or the particular skill sets possessed by those who call the guild home. The shop is the first structure on the left, which is open to the public where there are many wares already on display for public purchase, though visitors are quickly advised that the broom sweeping of its own accord should be left undisturbed. Requests for things not found within the shop can be made, as well as requests for spellwork if that is what one seeks, or help with ailments that are less healer based and more magical in nature (curses and things of that nature). The place is steeped in the very magic it seeks to understand and harness, and while some may be intimidated by the Mystic Circle, none should ever hesitate to approach with what it is they seek.

    However, take care, the shop is the only area of the Mystic Circle open to the public, going into the other structures should only be done so with an invitation from one of the members as not only is it a guild hall but the magics being done within are often dangerous. Choosing to attempt venturing further on one’s own could have interesting consequences. From the rooms above to the rooms below the shop, there are any number of experiments and spells ongoing, where classes are held, studies are done and somewhere within stronger magics are practiced inside a strongly warded casting room to avoid any unpleasant mishaps. There are a few beds for the weary caster too tired to wander beyond the bed, and these living quarters and common area are reserved for its members.


Blade, Bow, & Shield-

    The Blade, Bow & Shield is not only a place where warriors are trained, they also stand as town guard and help provide a waypoint for the local rangers. Here one can hone their skills with all weapons, bladed or blunt, up-close or ranged. Here the local guards mingle with the knights errant and commoners just wanting to learn how to handle a protective dagger a little better than before.  It is not uncommon to see one of this guild wandering the pathways in the vale, helping the lost or protecting the lone merchants on their way to market. It is also not uncommon for one to be hired on to help protect ships that are transporting goods to and from the docks or to accompany a traveling caravan.

    On the ground floor of the building one can find the office and armory as well as bedding and housing for the weary warrior. There is a scouting platform up top where the overlook of the harbor and into town helps the rangers and town guard keep a wary eye on the happenings in the town below.


Mysterious Mayhem-

       Of all the guilds, the Mysterious Mayhem is perhaps the hardest to pin down due to the very nature of what they are. Since the cataclysm dubbed The Kaboom and the destruction of their mill and granary the Mayhem has seemed to be entirely absent, though they are not. They seem to have no home base, yet, for the right words spoken, the right questions asked, the right places searched members can be found.  Rumor has it there have been known members lurking on the docks so there is a strong possibility that the warehouse might be a budding rebuild of the guild though there’s something fishy about the bait shop besides just the fish.



    The last guild that calls Mooncrest Vale home is the Earthbound, which is entirely out of the city and well within the woods. Follow the gravel roads in either direction and one will find themselves at the door of the guildhall and the apothecary they have absorbed. Their philosophy is that to be one of the Earthbound, there should be at least some connection to the earth which would give guidance.  One should not make the mistake of assuming their name means they only concern themselves with things of an earthly nature. Their concern is for the earth, air, water, fire ...all the aspects of nature; of keeping things in balance, protecting it. This is where one would find druids, those who tend to the flora of the forest, and even creatures of the wild - whether they be intelligent animals, or simply those normally found within the forests of the land. While some may count healing among their skills, it is not their only focus, and most are focused more on the healing of the natural world and the flora and fauna it contains. 

    The Earthbound are the guardians of the forest, and of every aspect of nature itself. They concern themselves little with good or evil, and instead the balance that is necessary for all of life. Both must exist so that the other may flourish.  Their guild hall is the partly domed, overgrown building but the elders will quickly point out that most of the guild hall is the forest itself. The Earthbound no longer call the druid’s grove home, but work closely with it for their thinking is quite similar.


(All guild leaders are applied for, spoken with by the admins and checked on periodically for activity and interaction. Currently there are placeholders so if any would like to take over, please contact Nic or Sio. If you would like to see the current list of guild leaders, see the website or the notice board in the landing zone which will have the most current.)


 The General Structure of Guilds-


â–  Ardent Society


There will be one guild leader who oversees the teaching and the students as well as other guild -to-guild interactions. They should generally be unbiased toward any one division within the guild.


3 subleads-


•Divine guidance- Teacher on how to work magic under divine sources

•Holy Warrior- These are the ones who actively fight for their deity, wielding holy powers and weapons equally.

•Scholar- Those who have decided to focus on divine intellectual pursuits as well as serving as scribes.


 â–  Mystic Circle-


There will be one guild leader who oversees the teaching and the students as well as other guild -to-guild interactions. They should generally be unbiased toward any one division within the guild.


 3 subleads-


•Casters- any who use spells or scrolls to work arcane magics, (wizards, mages,illusionists)

•Artificers - any who use items or focal objects to direct their magics (Shamans, spellswords, warlocks)

•Naturalists- Any who use elements, nature, death, spirits and so on. (Necros, elementalists)


 â–  Blade, Bow & Shield-


There will be one guild leader who oversees the teaching and the students as well as other guild -to-guild interactions. They should generally be unbiased toward any one division within the guild.


3 subleads-


•Principled- Knights, rangers etc - any who act on certain codes or morals before action

•Mercenary- Any who take coin/payment before actions (sellswords, mercs, bodyguards)

•Defenders- general fighters willing to fight for a cause but not needing one; they are all around defender of others and self (town guards, barbarians)


â–  Mysterious Mayhem-


There will be one guild leader who oversees the teaching and the students as well as other guild -to-guild interactions. They should generally be unbiased toward any one division within the guild.


3 subleads-


•Thieves-Those who rob from others in whatever manner to whatever end.

•Spies- Any who prefer the subtle ways of gaining information and/or using their skills

•Killers- any who are not afraid to take a life to the betterment of their cause or for coin (thugs, assassins)


â–  Earthbound-


There will be one guild leader who oversees the teaching and the students as well as other guild -to-guild interactions. They should generally be unbiased toward any one division within the guild.


3 subleads


•Druids- Any who use nature, nature lore, animals to achieve a means to an end

•Shamans- Any who use plant lore and things found in nature and/or the  elements in their workings

•Sentients- Any who are friendly shapeshifters, actual intelligent animals, or companion types


 Guild leader -  Think of a guild leader as somewhat of a headmaster/headmistress of a school. It is a position that is as much OOC as IC, helping to recruit, draw people, drive RP, create storylines, and so on. They are the final voice in the guild (but not totalitarian rule), and they are neutral between the groups within the guild ( no matter what their personal persuasion is). Approved players would be sent to each lead, to determine where they best fit and they would assign the various titles, etc. Leaders will hold officer positions in the group, with an admin retaining the owner status. They are the ones who essentially liaison between the various guilds as well. It would also be their job to be the buffer between their guild members and the admins, bringing any issues that cannot be handled by the guild leader to the admins.


The Guild leaders can identify personally however they want - good, evil, neutral - but in the capacity as guild leader they would need to remain neutral in that all branches of their guild are equal and it is their job to guide, and lead them all. Though, it should be made clear that if they wish to do a storyline where the leader is not properly neutral, it should be done in such a way that the factions can band together to fix that, or oust the leader, etc. In other words, no clique behaviour, as that will result in loss of position and potential banning by the admins. Guild leaders would also be responsible for doing the leveling in the guild and setting up the quests/RP for that as needed.


Sub-leads - They are essentially the primary teachers over their area within the guild and their primary goals are to coordinate any events or training required within the guild and help teach their group how to improve on their abilities and skills. The number of sub-leads will be dependent mostly upon need, as the guild grows so may the sub-lead numbers. Sub-leads also focus on finer points such as defining differences between a regular mage versus a necromancer, and so on. In things like the Rogues guild it might not be necessary as there is a range of diversity inherent to the guild itself. Sub-leads answer ultimately to the Guild Leader, who help settle disputes that arise between the various sub-factions within a guild. Sub-leads are responsible for those in their discipline.



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