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Places of Importance Around the Sim (and a little of their lore)

**First off, in the Landing Zone, you'll find 6 arches with glowing pictures. These are experience portals down to the areas the pictures represent. You must accept this experience or you cannot go down into the sim. There is only one portal back to the LZ located near the well outside the city. Once you enter the sim you are in a RP zone. If you are exploring, please wear a visitor tag located under the rules.**

   All around the sim are a scattering of residences in the main areas. These are first-come-first-serve and are as-is. These have been put in place in the sim for folks to have a part in the sim’s locale, but also to help fund the sim. Those with a vested interest tend to encourage others to stick around for rp.  For more details ask an admin for rates and availability. Doors CAN be locked to individuals. Residences located inside businesses are reserved for those who run the businesses and should be considered private residences.  If you would like to be a shopkeeper, note it on your CC and contact an admin for availability and other information. Residences not locked down can be used temporarily the same as rooms in the inns but we ask that you not use above-store residences even temporarily as per rp there would be a shopkeep in residence.

**This information is largely OOC and for the knowledge of the player until discovered IC, either through rp or through the placement of their character in that area. However all the enclosed information is for the characters and  NPCs to know in the rp once they have knowledge of it. Please use this information fairly.   **
Since there is so much to see and explore, we will start with the infamous Fae Glen and work our way around the sim discovering many things the sim has to offer for places to play and interact.

    In the Fae Glen, the first feature most notice is the impressive waterfall. Here it is not uncommon to spot fae and elf alike bathing in the waterfall, and most believe it is one of the sources for the river, one of the last sources of actual fresh water since nearer the city it becomes brackish. Overlooking this waterfall is a low, wide tree which elves and fae alike have dubbed ‘Grandfather’.  Beneath his roots sits one of the stable portals in and out of the Grotto. Beside him sit his ‘entwives’ dryad trees frozen in time. Atop the waterfall sits a faerie ring, though this one seems quite harmless, oft used as a lover’s cuddle space beneath the boughs of the tree that shades it. At the side of the glen, closer to the city, one must enter beneath the moongate, bejeweled and glittering yet quite safely so, for all who have tried to thieve the crystals have met with failure and disembodied mocking laughter.  


   One of the most unusual connections to Vale is the Fae Grotto. Directly linked, via a portal gateway in the Glen on the surface, this fragment of the great Underhill sits outside the mortal realm and has been known from time to time to, well, distort time for the unwary though not too commonly, thankfully. Here in this sprawling cavern can be found both Winter court and Summer court inhabitants, some co-mingling peaceably, others decidedly standing apart from their courtly opposition. The neutrality of the place is tangible in spite of its visual differences but the tension between certain ones is often palpable and can be exploited at times with spectacular results. Visitors here are often welcome, perhaps too much so at times, yet are encouraged to mind their footing for the fae are a strange folk. There are ways into and out of the grotto if an explorer is diligent enough to find them.
    Here in the Grotto one can find The Mushroom Cap, a tavern where one can mingle with all sorts of fae. Though it has no rooms to rent, it has some of the finest exotic wines and spirits to be had in the area. Pleasure’s Purpose sits beside it.  A den of enjoyment, be it drugs or massage, bathing or simply good deep conversations, here is the place for it. The Gardens of Contemplation, just outside the Cap, displays statues, crystals, strange plants, and bits of artful magic along the paths that seem to wind and twist in on themselves. A little path winds around Pleasure’s purpose to the top where the Dancing Circle can be found. Here is a somewhat sacred place where stepping into the mushrooms’ circle brings about the spirit of the dance and even those who are not fae can soar with wings or just on magic. Yet, here one can find fae lounging and conversing, sampling sweets and watching their tiny fragment of the world go by.  Above it all sits the Grapevine Plateau- rumored to be the source of some of the best wines anywhere, this place grows just enough for a few bottles at at time, yet the grapes never cease to seem to grow. Magic, it can only be magic. Below it, overlooking the pond is the Picnic perch beneath a shady tree. Here on a comfortable blanket, lovers and friends alike can sit and enjoy their company and watch the water and the world idly doing as it will.

       Back in the Glen, near the waterfall, across an old bridge one travels from the fae lands to the elven reaches, not that anyone approaching the Vale would ever miss the towering remainder of the great Twins that once stood here, by name, Hyarma which in elven means ‘Left-hand’. Those in tune with nature can still hear Hyarma weeping for the loss of Forma, the right-hand of the Twins. Beneath its heavy shade sits an elven village, where it is not uncommon to pick up strains of music and laughter even from the forest beyond. If one is not afraid of heights, the climb up the massive tree will find you a comfortable bed in the Greenman's Rest as well as a tavern, The Sprig and Leaf, to make you forget just how high up you find yourself. A few spare houses might be found in one of the smaller, yet still towering trees below and there is a crafter’s shop nestled at the edge of the plateau.  Open air dining can be found in the small village as well.
   Beneath the plateau nestles the druid’s grove. Within the semi-enclosed grove animals and plants grow freely and roam around in various states of mending. There is the sense the moment you enter the area to be respectful of the flora and fauna as if you are being watched and possibly judged by your actions. Here in the grove one can usually find a hot meal, even if it is a simple fare, as well as a place to rest a while in safety, so long as one has peaceful intentions. Here one might observe druidic rituals, shamanic rites, even outright elemental magic. The very ground seems to hum with life. Best look to the elves for a place to rest, though, for only the druids sleep here.
  Near the Grove, up the hill a bit, sits a rather strange and rather primitive place. This is the home of the Primals. Their thatch and baked-mud huts can be seen around a rustic communal fire pit where stone implements for cooking can be readily seen. They are some of the finest tanners and hide merchants in the Vale, though their wares are never sold directly in the town. There always seems to be some form of guard on duty, patrolling the edges of their encampment, though if one is careful and respectful it is not likely a visitor will be stopped more than to ask their business with the camp. However, this only stands true for the village, if an outsider strays too close to the cave entrance found burrowed through the roots of an old, long-dead tree, they will find themselves met with great resistance. This place is sacred, put simply, and only the very rare few have seen the truth inside, though from the outside the glow and the smoke and incense can be easily detected. The Primals seem to get along well where they are, aside from this, sharing their earthy trades with orcs and goblins, elves and humans alike, within the boundaries of the forest.
   Beneath the ridge of earth sits  a domed building almost completely overgrown with plantlife. Small windows of colored glass offer a view down into the building within, though there is little need to spy. The building has but a single visible door and it seems eternally open. Here lies the new home of the Earthbound and the apothecary it absorbed. Here the Earthbound have a place to rest and eat, to have small classes and to help with the herbs in the apothecary though it is not only they that work within the new shop. Outside, one can find a thriving garden that seems to persist even in winter as well as herbs and other healing plants. There seems always to be some worker nearby keeping watch and tending the greenery.  Here one can find healing herbs and fresh food if they dare the nature hike.
   Just above the Earthbound’s hall is a circle of towering stones surrounded by trees and all sorts of flora and tangible magic. Here one can almost feel the presence of those lost to the physical plane. There are stones pointing to the cardinal directions and an altar if one needs it. There’s a bower that one can rest and socialize in, or just watch others in the circle. Here, one gains a sense of need to be respectful.
   Below the arch leading to the Earthbound’s sanctuary is a road that leads between twin waterfalls. It seems when the earth was reshaped and reclaimed new sources of water were found and one has been claimed for bathing. Nearby on the path beyond the waterfalls lingers a remnant of the past, a shadowed doorway that once led down into the dark subterranean reaches. Now there is only the collapsed earth left in reminder not to tamper with things unknown. Beyond that, the path that winds through the forest will bring you to a hewn wood path that leads up to the Kitsune Shrine; a place where serenity and communion with the divine is easily found. The shrine is ancient and considered a sacred place.

   Here one has four choices to make, go back to the way they came, turn deeper into the forest toward Hyarma, to cross the arching bridge, or turn toward the town that has grown along the road. Crossing the bridge one may turn toward the tailor shop and the fae or turn into a split in the forest.
The closest to the water one will find a small camp of gypsies who have also weathered the change in the Vale, though having relocated twice to do so. Beneath the curving boughs of the tree-made tunnel one can find the brightly colored pennants which hang between two trees marking the entrance to their camp. There always seems to be a cookfire burning and the colorful gypsies and their friends present; outsiders are welcome as long as they come with peaceable intent and it is a good place to have one’s fortune read, for a price of course.
    Near the tunnel of trees by the bridge is an arch of stone lit by a torch, that leads up to an abandoned mine now inhabited by something that smells strongly of wet dog. Near the mine shaft’s entrance, is a path up to the Moonshrine. Here is a peaceful hotspring welling up from somewhere below and a small shrine where those who love the moon can pray in peace.
   Between the arch and the tunnel of trees is a shadowed road winding its way between cliff walls, beyond a small waterfall that has sprung free of the mountains to burble into a pool near the road, and finally into a dark forest that opens up into an extended clearing. Here one can find the cave entrance to a magic shop; buyer beware! Beyond that lies the path up to a mansion that looks recently refurbished and overlooks the open-air market and other buildings below. Across from the market is a tavern that seems to cater to the shadier side of life.  A couple of houses (one seemingly boarded up) sit clustered close, as if to seek protection from the forest.  Following the road will take one back across the river to the main roads in town.

    The path toward the town splits quite quickly but if followed until reaching the forest and turning around, immediately visible is a moss-covered building that looks as if it was simply grown there. The Healer Hall is where the triage took place after the events that destroyed Port Endings and where the druids grew a shelter overtop the wounded to protect them from debris and the elements. Within are the healers from both the Ardent, Earthbound, and even the Mystics as well as non-guilded healers who volunteer their time.
   Across from this is the Memorial Shrine that was built and grown to serve as a place to remember the fallen, the missing, the memories of all that changed in the events that lead to the destruction of the port. Here, offerings of coin wishes and lit candles is commonplace. The very earth itself seems to dampen sound here, giving the perfect atmosphere for reflection and rejuvenation.
   Beside the Memorial rests a two story building that is all that remains of the Menders, now known as the Ardent Society. After the agreement to split healing duties between all guilds and the un-guilded, the Society took on the original intent to help the followers of the various pantheons of gods. While not all gods are represented, for certain, most have their niche and some form of following, or did before the cataclysm. The guild has room for guild members to rest while in training to the order of their deity as well as some place to study and research.
   Across the road there is housing at the shoreline as well as the rebuilt mill and bakery. No longer the reputed home of the Mysterious Mayhem, the bakery seems just a quaint shop for a baker with a working mill to go with it.  Further down that path leads to the fishing dock, small boat launch and another home.
   Above it, where the path leads up the hill sits the Dragonhome Inn and its stable. The Dragonhome is a quiet sort of place for gathering to eat and enjoy conversations, or for the weary traveler to rent a room for the night. Good food, warm fire, and friendly folk seems to be the theme of the place. Though there is rumor that a dragon helped build it, and possibly helps run it now and again, hinting to its name.
   Behind the Inn, along a path between it and the stable, sits a rather thrown-together shack of metal sheeting likely scavenged from debris left over from the Kaboom. The scent of fish is pungent, marking it well as the bait shop and boat repair for the fishing dock below it. Apparently there are a lot of fisherfolk in the land, for it seems to have a decent flow of people.
   Across from the Dragonhome sits the tavern quite affectionately dubbed the Disgruntled Mermaid. Here one can sample local and imported liquors, as well as grab a bit of simple fare bar food. The tavern is also a place to gamble if one is of a nature to do so, cards and dice are common at the tables in the back if one doesn’t feel the need to simply belly up to the bar and drink away their troubles.
   Beside it sits the rather oddly constructed Mystic Circle guild hall and its shop. Inside and out lurks magic wards and active spells so tread mindfully. There always seems to be some strange smell or sound from within, though the shop on the ground floor seems pleasant enough.  Though oddly constructed, the build seems to be fashioned from remnants of its former self, and each section seems to have been built by someone besides the original designer.
   Across the street a rebuilt bathhouse sits quietly waiting for the residents to visit and wash away the day’s work or for the shared company of others while they relax and soak. Behind it sits another home in which the occasional small explosion or flash of light is not uncommon.
   Standing quite obviously next along the path is the docks. Here, imports have been a steady stream once more, exports are also beginning to filter out once again as people settle into their new life. On the front of the docks is the local market where fresh goods are set up for purchase, or trade. Periodically the wares change as vendors sell out and new ones replace them, yet there seems to be a staple of some goods from the warehouse between the market and the docks below.
   Beyond the market sits the Blade, Bow, and Shield overlooking the incoming and outgoing dock traffic, as well as being fairly local to the edge of the forest and the town itself. The BBS is now a ranger station as well as town guard, so it is not uncommon to see fighters on the nearby island practicing, or on the roads assuring the safety of townsfolk in the aftermath of the cataclysm.
   Above it on the hill sits the smithy and carpenter. One can purchase well-made weapons or have their own mended, or purchase worked wood for their home or other project.

   The last in the list of places of interest within the Vale would be the domain of the water dwellers: mermaids, undine and any others who call water home. Most waterways connect to one another and allow free movement as well as interaction with land dwellers. Kelp forests and a view of the deeper oceans beyond present comfortable scenery for the water-friendly, not to mention a few lost chests of trader ships lost beneath the waves. All water in the Vale is home to those who favor it rather than open air.


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